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Used template: Technical Theme: Chemistry OC 2.x
Italian / Italiano for OC 1.5.x Full version (Front & Back end)
- Demo front end:
- Admin side:
Username: demo
Password: demo
Download, unzip and open READ ME.
Upload the folders inside the upload folder.
- ALWAYS make a backup of your site before applying new mods / extensions.
- Download the archive.
- Unzip the downloaded archive on your computer.
- Upload the folders locate in the "upload folder" (admin, catalog & image) to the root directory of your OpenCart installation. These are new files and no files should be overwritten..
- Login to your Administration panel.
- Go to System: Localisation -> Languages
- Add Language:
- *
- * Language Name: Italiano
- * Code: it
- * Local: it_IT.UTF-8,it-IT,italian
- * Image: it.png
- * Directory: italian
- * Filename: italian
- Status: Enabled
- Sort Order:...
Italian / Italiano Full version for OC 1.5.x
- Product Code: Italiano OC 1.5.x
Tags: OpenCart, OC 1.5.x, Extensions, Italian, Italiano, Front & Back end, Full version, Languages